In the 1990Åfs, as information communication over the Internet prevailed, a movement among citizens to develop proactive vision of the future of our society was on the rise.
When the BSE problem surfaced in 1995, people in Britain were feeling uncertain about their future. So in 1998, Duncan Dallas, a television producer launched the Science Cafe for citizens and scientists because he wanted them to get together to work out the issues, and figure what the society should be through open conversations about the future.
The bottom line is that the Science Cafe was rooted in the expectation of general citizens that they would understand, evaluate, and utilize science but was not meant for scientists to communicate their scientific ideas to the public. Part of the objectives of the Science Cafe is to provide a place for people to see things from a down-to-earth viewpoint and interact freely accepting wild thoughts and ideas of each other. It does by no means provide a rigid academic climate. |
Birdhouse Cafe was Born on a Designing Table As a New Communication Space
The Birdhouse Project had been looking for a ÅgBaÅh or space to take down the fences among people such as students,
researchers, and even businesses so that everyone could think together about our future environment.
Then we came across the Science Cafe started in Britain, and could open our very first Birdhouse Cafe collaborating with many students in South Korea (Hampyeong). |
The Birdhouse Yesterday |
2008 |
The 1st Birdhouse Cafe in South Korea |
The 2nd Birdhouse Cafe in Tokyo |
The 3th Birdhouse Cafe in Shanghai |
What Birdhouse Café is After |
Birdhouse Café is an extension of the Birdhouse Project, and is designed for everyone to think about what we can do for the global environment based on the proposals of participating creators. It provides an interactive communication space for both general citizens and specialists to understand each other and think about the current situations and problems of the global environment assimilating the Science CafeÅfs way of approaching things.
Not only that, the Birdhouse Cafe derived from the Science Cafe is trying to achieve collaboration of designing and science. In other words, it is intended to present a vision of ÅgdesirableÅh future for society by expressing it in a specific shape of birdhouse.
It is a new attempt for general citizens, students, and researchers engaged in designing to sit with science students and researchers at the same table to discuss global environment. They would meet and talk without any restrictions like a bird flying under the blue sky.
PeopleÅfs understanding, inspiration, and future vision of the global environment are designed and take shape at the Birdhouse Cafe. Dreams of general citizens and scientists are portrayed in front of their eyes with the help of students and specialists of designing who works as a catalyst. It is an exciting experience shared by everyone present. |

The Birdhouse Café Tomorrow |

Birdhouse Cafe next to the Birdhouse Exhibition site will set an ideal environment because the visitors will get inspired by the fabulous works.
But besides exhibition part of the Birdhouse Project, it is necessary to continue traveling cafe. There is also a plan to open a real-life Birdhouse Cafe. If we have a place for people to meet and talk in a friendly atmosphere whenever they want, and some space and tools to put their ideas into shape on site, we will be able to gain more support and sympathy of people.
Lots of visions of the future have been drawn at the Birdhouse Cafe. But as long as they stay inside the Cafe, they will turn out to be a pie in the sky. We believe it is part of our challenges for the future to create new techniques and designs to realize the visions. |
Four Environmental Concerns |
The Birdhouse Café focuses on four environmental concerns, and tries to formulate a common understanding of them.
-Food and environment of the world
-Water and environment of the world
-Global warming and environment
-Trade and environment of the world
Birdhouse Café |