| The "New Man-in-the-Moon" birdhouse is not designed to suit a bird's sense of aesthetics (they are more interested in plumage) or because like the homeless, they are more concerned with finding a warm shelter than a snappy address. The birdhouse is designed to look pretty hanging from a branch. It is easy for designers to make a teapot that stands out in the kitchen or a TV set that demands attention or a landmark building-- but as our population grows, it is time to turn our talents toward creating things that disappear or at least, fit into the landscape. Birdhouses are usually and opportunity for amateur architects or junior craftspeople to make colorful miniature chateaus or tiny rustic Hobbit cabins to hang in backyards or give to parents. It is a natural to see a new silvery moon out in space. | |
| Born in Ohio, USA in 1948, Tucker Vimeister started to work in 1979, and established Smart Design Inc. after six years. In the annual I.D. Design Review, he has awarded eleven times for designing Serengeti Aviator Sunglasses and other products. His works include scissors and other kitchen utensils for Oxo Good Grips, and Black & Decker's Metropolitan toaster which was selected for the highest award of Appliance Manufacture magazine. | | |