Birdhouses are for birds that are free to use their wings: - They come and go as they wish: --- They gather their food and water from nature. --- They teach their young to fly and be self sufficient. --- They steer their courses of flight by the sun and stars above them. - It is our human destiny to be like free birds --- not birds in cages: --- To explore distant planets and learn to live on them self-sufficiently --- To use wings that technology has given us to fly far beyound the birdhouse of Earch. But for the present, the bird cages set only a few feet above our floor are all we experience: --- The planets and stars outside appear only as lights in the ceiling; not as destinations to explore: --- We We fool ourselves into believing that the birds in the cage are expressing their true nature and potential - A bird cage in space reflects my perception of our present human condition in space: --- The symbol of a journey for the human spirit which has barely begun. |